Chiropractic Routine for Those with Desk Jobs

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Desk jobs holder must practice at least one of the chiropractic exercises every 5-10 minutes in an hour. It is also ideal for office personnel to take breaks between work, walk a few steps, and then return. 

Studies indicate that almost 80% of American jobs are sedentary or require minimal physical activity. 

In return, these long hours of sitting increase the likelihood of strain on the neck, back, hip, and shoulders. Maintaining a good posture is crucial to avoid the pressure caused on your back and other areas. Also, it will help in proper spine alignment and overall decreased stress. While it would be best to visit your chiropractor, sometimes it’s impossible. There can be unnecessary delays due to a lack of money, time, late appointments, etc. 

Many companies train their employees in ergonomics and emphasize stretching and moving. However, they rarely make it conducive for employees to do these things. So, here we have piled up simple exercises you can do in between your office hours. Doing these will help you attain a better posture and more work productivity. And you’ll enjoy your work without worrying about your pain. So, let’s get started. 

What’s Wrong with Desk Jobs? Effects on Human Body: 

Desk jobs encourage a sedentary lifestyle and add to several health issues. Continuous sitting affects your posture and affects your mental health. It also contributes to specific medical problems, such as carpal tunnel syndrome and cardiovascular diseases. 

Recent surveys have shown that an average office worker spends up to 9 hours sitting at a desk. It almost equates to two sedentary months in a year. It could damage your overall health, including an elevated risk of obesity. Why not get rid of the harmful effects by maintaining a good posture? Find out some easy exercises to help cope with your problem. 

“Nothing is worth your health. Nothing is worth poisoning yourself with stress, anxiety, and fear.” 

  Steve Maraboli 

Chiropractic Routine for Those with Desk Jobs

How Can Chiropractic Care Help? 

Chiropractic is a hands-on approach to improving health by focusing on spinal manipulation. A misaligned spine causes several problems and adds discomfort in life. Your body can function optimally through chiropractic adjustments and add more to your productivity. Maintaining good health can help prevent complications and keep you feeling good in the long term. 

Chiropractic care helps to improve overall life quality and reduces body inflammation. You’ll have more energy while working, which will help generate a positive attitude during your working hours. Adopting a chiropractic routine will save you from significant health impacts such as neck or spine injuries, migraines, and neck-related headaches. It will also improve your posture and immune function. 

Chiropractic Routine with Simple Exercises for Desk Job Holders

As a desk job holder, it’s easy for you to get caught in the trap of your computer for long working hours. Countless stories show people with desk jobs complaining of back pain while working.  

Your body can suffer if you do not practice exercises to align your spine. Spine alignment helps reduce the risk of spine disorders such as joint deformity, slouched posture, joint stiffness, and so on. When you try to align your spine, you’ll save yourself from frequent headaches, lower back pain, tingling, numbness, and many other conditions. Let’s quickly look at some stretching exercises along with their instructions. 

  • Exercise-1: Office Chair Hip Stretch

Tight hips and legs cause many discomforts. Therefore, you must do a stretching routine to relieve the pain. The office chair hip stretch is a great exercise to increase the flexibility of your hips and legs. When your hips and legs become flexible, it helps reduce lower back and sciatic pain. This exercise is simple, and it will only take 3-5 minutes at maximum. Let’s have a look at the instructions. 

  • Sit at your desk chair straight with your feet flat. 
  • Now, take your right foot and place it on your left knee. 
  • Sit up as tall as possible and lift your upper body. Hinge your hips forward and lightly do these. 
  • Hold it for several breaths and also switch the sides. Do this for up to 5 minutes, and you’ll see the results within a few days. 
  • Exercise 2: Lower Spine Stretch

The second stretching exercise is the lower spine stretch. This exercise will help relieve pressure on your lower back that causes pain. Now let’s have a look at the instructions. 

  • Sit on your desk chair and evenly rest your sitting muscles on the chair. Place your feet flat on the ground. 
  • Raise your left arm vertically while supporting yourself with your right arm on the armrest. 
  • Create a light curve with your body by gently leaning your left arm to the right. 
  • Hold it for about 30 seconds and repeat it at least three times on each side. Remember to switch the arm positions. 
  • Exercise 3: Thoracic Rotation Stretch

The third exercise is the thoracic rotation stretch; it might sound slightly advanced. However, it’s one of the most straightforward stretching exercises that help relieve lower back pain. Sitting poorly for long hours makes your upper body stiff and tightened. It, in return, affects the lower back and creates much pressure on it. The thoracic rotation exercise will make your life comfortable even if you have to stay at your desk longer. So, let’s find the instructions for this exercise. 

  • Sit on your desk chair and flat your feet on the ground. 
  • Ensure that your sitting muscles are even on your chair. You can do this by finding a neutral place for your pelvis. Now, place your hands on your pelvis and rock backward and forward to attain the required position. 
  • Cross your arms across your chest. They should be near your shoulders. 
  • Now, twist to your right slowly and calmly. Hold for a few breaths and switch to your left side. Repeat this activity on both sides about 3-4 times, and you are good to go for the next couple of hours.  

Other Recommended Exercises by Experts 

Plenty of exercises help improve posture and maintain a good quality of life. If you are interested in practices other than those discussed above, you can try any of these. 

  • Wall Sits. 
  • Standing Lunges. 
  • Tricep Chair Dips. 
  • Seated Oblique Twists. 
  • Elevated Push-up. 

Tips for Improving Spinal Health

  • Look at the ergonomics of your desk setup and adjust your working environment accordingly. 
  • Ensure that you have a quality office chair that’s comfortable and put less strain while you work. 
  • Exercise with consistency and keep a healthy workout routine. 
  • Have a better posture during work and have a mindful approach. 
  • Use a standing desk for at least an hour a day. You’ll see remarkable results. 
  • Take breaks in between and get moving. These breaks can be for less than 5 minutes, and your body will thank you later. 
  • Consult a renowned chiropractor in your town and get regular treatment if things worsen. 

Final Thoughts 

Sitting all day can be challenging for your body. Studies have linked several health concerns with sitting for long periods. It disrupts your general wellness and adds more discomfort and pain that could be frustrating. However, you can implement the above-given tips and exercises to improve things. The more mindful you are about your spine health, the better it will be long-term.

Contact your Scottsdale Chiropractor, Dr. Abbas Khayami, D.C, at Better Health Solutions to learn about Chiropractic Routine for Those with Desk Jobs.


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