Managing Back Pain in Modern Lifestyle through Chiropractic Care

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Is chronic back pain, like diabetes and heart disease, an illness of the modern day and the contemporary way of life? Is this a genuine concern or just a pessimistic illusion about the dangers of modern life? Let’s look at how various treatments, including chiropractic care and lifestyle adjustments, may alleviate back pain, no matter what the cause. 

The Growing Prevalence of Back Pain

Four out of five Americans suffer from back discomfort at some time in their life. It is the most significant cause of impairment among adults worldwide, and infections only surpass it as a reason for people to seek treatment. Primarily, back discomfort is increasing in the modern world due to how we intermingle with our habitats in our daily routines.   

The evolving nature of employment is a significant factor contributing to back discomfort. The nature of our work has changed, with many of us now engaging in less physically demanding professions. Johns Hopkins reports that just 20% of American workers are involved in physically demanding occupations. Furthermore, the American Heart Association has recorded a rise of 83% in sedentary occupations since 1950. Back discomfort is typical in these professions due to a combination of factors, the most fundamental of which is prolonged sitting. 

Common Causes of Backache

The most typical causes of back pain are poor posture and repetitive strain on the back, which can strike at any age. It can also develop following the second injury, like to the neck. In addition to these three causes, the following may also be contributing to your back discomfort: 

  • Osteoporosis: This is typical for the elderly, particularly for women who have given birth. The weakened skeletal structure brought on by this disease makes you more vulnerable to fractures. 
  • Ruptured or herniated disc: An issue occurs when one of the disks cushions your spine becomes damaged. While a herniated disk can develop anywhere in the spine, it most commonly affects the low back. Herniated disks can cause discomfort, numbness, or weakening in an arm or leg, depending on the affected area. 
  • Scoliosis: Scoliosis is a condition with an abnormal curvature of the back spine. Waist and shoulder height discrepancies, a protruding spine, and chronic back discomfort are all symptoms commonly associated with this condition. 
  • Rheumatoid arthritis: Pain in one or more joints is a symptom of this autoimmune disorder. Among the many bodily areas it may affect is the back. 
  • Fibromyalgia: When you have FM, your entire body becomes unusually sensitive to discomfort. Fatigue, back discomfort, and musculoskeletal pain are just a few health issues it may bring. 
  • Pregnancy: Many women report mild to severe backaches during the second and third trimesters.  
  • Overweight: Overweight individuals may have a forward tilt of the pelvic bone. Back discomfort is often the result of such overexertion, which places much pressure on the spine. 
Managing Back Pain in Modern Lifestyle through Chiropractic Care

Relieve Back Pain through Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is the most popular alternative treatment option for back discomfort patients. Every year, almost 22 million Americans seek out chiropractic care. More specifically, 7.7 million (or 35%) are seeking help with back discomfort brought on by things like accidents, sports injuries, and muscle strains. Headaches, backaches, neck aches, and other musculoskeletal pains are standard reports. 

As we’ve discussed, treatments for back pain vary widely depending on the underlying reason. In the case of pregnant women, this might mean fewer aches and pains in the back during activity or after giving birth. However, if your discomfort results from a structural problem in your spine, you could find relief via physical therapy or an upper back chiropractic adjustment. 

  • Standard treatment methods:

A chiropractor will collect your medical history, perform a physical examination, and order laboratory tests and diagnostic imaging to assess whether chiropractic care suits your back discomfort. 

Depending on the patient’s condition, the chiropractor professional may recommend one or more manual adjustments in which he manipulates the joint with a controlled, abrupt force to increase mobility. Nutritional advice and physical therapy/exercise are conventional components of chiropractic care. Chiropractic care has several benefits, one of which is reducing back pain. Other aims include restoring function and avoiding future injuries or strains.  

  • Benefits:  

Regarding unexpected injuries like those sustained when lifting heavy furniture or getting tackled, research shows spinal manipulation and chiropractic therapy as safe and effective treatments for acute low back pain.  

There is evidence that chiropractic therapy can assist with headaches and neck discomfort. Chiropractors and massage therapists apply moderate pressure, which may be helpful for patients with osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia. 

Severe back pain, more prevalent than chronic pain, often resolves independently within six weeks. Always see your primary care physician before seeking a chiropractic office or other non-conventional treatment for pain. 

Relieve Back Pain through Lifestyle Changes

  • Never skimp on your sleep: 

Doctors stress that sleep is very, very crucial in the healing process. Sleep deprivation releases more stress hormones, which in turn reduces pain tolerance and increases existing pain. Additionally, lack of sleep can exacerbate preexisting conditions, making it more difficult to manage diabetes. Studies have also demonstrated that sticking to a regular sleep routine, such as getting to bed and waking up at the exact times every day, can positively affect one’s ability to tolerate discomfort. At all costs, blue light from electronics should be avoided at least an hour before sleeping. 

  • Break prolonged periods of sitting at work: 

What are your options when you have a deskbound job? The pressure placed on one’s spine while sitting for extended periods is significantly higher than walking or standing, and posing properly while at your workstation is a must. When reading or typing, keep your head up straight. Keep your feet planted firmly, hip-width apart on the floor, and avoid slouching to reduce stress on your spine. Moreover, remember to get up and move about occasionally. 

  • Making physical activity a habit:  

We should be getting at least 10,000 steps daily, yet most of us average only 3,500 to 4,500. There are simple means to reach such goals: get off the subway a few stops back and walk the rest if you can, or park further down from your place if driving.  

Due to the low-impact nature of walking, it may be used as a pain-relieving treatment and as a preventative measure. Walking for as little as 30 minutes daily, three to five times a week, significantly improves your back and general health.  

Find something you enjoy doing and watch as you transform your sedentary lifestyle into one rich with movement. 

Final Words

According to the findings of several studies, chiropractic adjustments have the potential to be a successful treatment for a variety of neck and back pains. Chiropractors specialize in using manual adjustments to alleviate pain and promote healing. They frequently concentrate on problems that are associated with the spine. Visiting a chiropractor may also reduce the pain medication you require or the number of invasive procedures, such as surgeries, that you need. Natural backache remedies include upper back chiropractic adjustments and other chiropractic therapies. On the other hand, eating healthily, monitoring your weight and stress levels, and keeping an appropriate posture to strengthen your core can also reduce back discomfort over time.

Contact your Scottsdale Chiropractor, Dr. Abbas Khayami, D.C, at Better Health Solutions to learn how to manage Back Pain in a Modern Lifestyle through Chiropractic Care.


*This media/content or any other on this website does not prescribe, recommend, or prevent any treatment or procedure. Therefore, we highly recommend that you get the advice of a qualified dentist or other medical practitioners regarding your specific dental condition*

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